Real-time information on train departures and arrivals and other information on mobility services at the stationOverview of the next departing and arriving trainsSite plan as PDFNotices on train departures as PDFDetailed information on parking facilities and feesAvailable at this station:At the station
Information for a pleasant stay and a relaxed onward journey can be found hereAddress:Walldorf
Farmstr. 5
64546 Mörfelden-WalldorfWalldorf (Hessen), Farmstr. 5, 6 4 5 4 6 Mörfelden-WalldorfOrientation plan for the station, the platform and the surrounding areaInformation about available elevators and possible malfunctionsAvailable at this station:Advice and support
We will help you – on site at the station as well as digitallyContact persons and contact options for questions or feedback on our train stations-
Hello, my name is DB Smile. I am your digital assistant and help with questions about the station